Reseña sobre Kiddie Korral Achievement Ctr

I'm 27 years old now, but when I was young(between ages 3 and 6), I attended June Albury's daycare. I just want to say that June Albury is a vile woman. As punishment, she would take children's clothing from them, down to their underwear, and force them to sit in time out or something while this punishment was doled out. She would also leave the child in this time-out in a place which would leave them exposed to the other children as they went from one room to another, or from the lunch room to the outside area to play. She would also specifically instigate children who were already behaving poorly, to behave even worse. I was subject to a fair amount of punishment, and I was kind of a screwed up child. I'm still kind of messed up in the head, and the worst thing I remember about my life, was attending that daycare.

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